Chapter One: Once Upon a Beginning

Something was pouring from his mouth. Blood!!! BLOOD crimson copper smelling blood dripping off his mandibles, he had a weary look upon his brow.

The kind of look that made me double think should I serve this weary looking insectoid. I second guessed myself and thought now you are being speciest; the insectoid now has equal rights.

I greeted the insectoid the same way I did all my customers which nowadays only trickle in from time to time, usually walk around my bar ask about price and leave. I greeted the insectoid with a smile and tried to mutter out the same phrase but at this point it feels so rehearsed the words have lost their meaning to me "Greetings Traveller, welcome to my humble abode, is there any delicacy I can tempt you with ", I didn’t even get to finish my spiel before he interrupted me he spoke with an almost deep raspy voice "Which way to your bathroom I want to clean up", to which I replied "the restroom facilities are only for paying customers".

The insectoid then threw a whole slice pan, a whole slice pan on to the counter. I have not seen this much bread since before the massive cold snap that froze the planet, thereby making bread the primary currency, which was ironic as in the old times people referred to money as bread. He just let out another booming voice, "just give me your finest drink and let me use the bathroom".

Go on said I as I looked at the bread and start planning all the things I would buy. All this time I wondered why he was covered in blood and what was going to happen next ... Next chapter >