Chapter Three: This is the final piece.

He stared at me, his eyes just looked straight through me and we both knew at that point what was to come and neither of us would be happy with it. He simply picked up his pint after the foam had settled and downed it in one gulp,and snarled at me "you really shouldn't of done that" .

They say before you die your life flashes before your eyes, for me the only thing that happened was trying to think of a way of escape but I was filled with dread and terror.

The insectoid looked at me and said "Ever since your speicies has come to this planet and claimed yourself as the masters of the planet but ye will learn ".

I thought to myself what does he mean come to this planet, this is earth what does he mean. I let out the most pitiful whimper "wha what do you mean come to this "

He just laughed and snarled "How long do you think we have been on this planet !!!" . I had always assumed that they came to earth when the big freeze had hit Ireland I just responded "I'm I'm not sure, I have never thought about it ".

He just bellowed out

"You wont have to !!"