
repository to fork for the 'git story' assessment

Project maintained by KenKilmartin Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Ken Kilmartin
Git Story

Click here to link to my github pages is.


This is a story of a man in a life or death situation how he handles it is anyones guess. So I urge you to sit back and enjoy well i say enjoy.

The Changes made are :

[vol 1 Chapter 1] (Making chapter htmls )
[vol 2 Chapter 1] (Starting off writing intial ideas for chapter 1, setting the scene)
[vol 3] (Setting the theme for readme)
[vol 4 Chapter 1] (Fixed issue raised and went through and edited some spelling and grammer)
[vol 5 ] (Added the .gitIgnore)
[vol 6 Chapter 2] (Writing initial ideas of chapter 2)
[vol 7 Chapter 3] (Writing initial ideas of chapter 3)
[vol 8 Chapter 3] (Created a new branch)
[vol 9 Chapter 3] (Created an alternative ending for chapter 3 )
[vol 10 Chapter 3] (Spell checked alternative ending)
[vol 11 Chapter 3] (Missing punctuation on alternative ending)
[vol 12] (Changing
[vol 13] (Adding little style to first 3 chapters)
[vol 14] (Adding a title to chapter 2 and changes to
[vol 15] (Adding a title to chapter 3 and changes to
[vol 16] (Adding a href to go to the next chapter)

Finished chapters can be seen here :

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

To view the alternative ending.
Chapter 3 Alternative_ending